Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Our granddaughter, Breanna, turned 8 years old last Saturday. They spent the weekend with Danielle's family in Pennsylvania (for a wedding) so we don't get to celebrate until this weekend, but I wanted to go ahead and post this so I can show it to her. I will post pictures of her with her cake later.

Breanna is such a blessing to our family. She is our mother hen. She tends to mother everyone and try to keep us all in shape. She never forgets anything and will remind you (very kindly) if you forget something. She loves her little brother and you usually never see one without the other. I had to crop this picture because I did not have one of her alone. (I'll have to remedy that)

Breanna seems at first glance to be backward, but that is just until she gets to know you. Until she had her heart surgery in August she was very laid back. Now I have a hard time keeping up with all the questions she asks and how active she is. She definitely keeps up with C.J. We just thank God every day for helping her do so well and "fixing her heart" as she says.

Breanna loves to sing and do art. She is very good at both.

Happy Birthday Breanna. We love you bunches. You're our little Princess!

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