Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I have mentioned McMama before and how I admire her blog. I also mentioned her son who was diagnosed with major heart problems before birth and she was told he would not live. He was born with no heart problems AT ALL. They checked him completely and he was fine. Sunday night Stellan was having some breathing difficulties after a weekend of having a cold and they took him to the ER. He is suffering from SVT. His heart rate is between 250 and 300 and has been since Sunday night. He is in very serious condition. His heart is now enlarged and he is suffering with the same problems he had while in the womb. This is very hard on the whole family. He is only 4 months old. I am posting a link to go to her blog if you are interested. If not just pray for Stellan when you think of it. I can not imagine watching a baby go through all that he is right now.

Just click on the picture to go to her blog.

Prayers for Stellan

Thursday, March 19, 2009


I guess I didn't have any takers that wanted to guess what Javy was doing with that little finger in the picture I posted yesterday. Actually I wasn't out there when they took the picture, so I am just guessing myself, but knowing Jay'von as I do, I am sure he was either singing "This Little Light of Mine", or saying he is one year old. It might have been David's sling going around, also. He is a very active little guy and (like his Nina) likes to wave his hands around when he talks.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday!!

What do you think Javy is doing with that little finger?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Danielle!

Danielle and Javy and her birthday cheesecake.

I just want to wish Danielle (my favorite daughter-in-law) a very Happy Birthday. Her birthday was actually on Friday (the 13th). I didn't get to post on that day because I kept the kids so she and Chuck could take a little trip for her birthday. I have to say she is the best thing that ever happened to Chuck. She takes very good care of him and don't you even try to criticize him. She will straighten you out. One of the girls got him a card that said they thought about getting her a gag gift but then they remembered she already had their brother. She didn't even want to read it out loud. We all thought it was hilarious.

She is a stay at home Mom who also home schools her children, so she is very busy lady. Thanks Danielle for all you do for Chuck, Breanna, and C.J. We love you and are glad you are part of our family.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Everyone wants to see pictures, so I am going to post some pictures of my family. They are going to be in no certain order and not everyone at once. My camera is being repaired right now, so none are real current, but the grandchildren are coming for a "sleepover" (as C.J. calls it) tonight while Chuck takes Danielle on a little day trip tomorrow for her birthday, so maybe I can have Carolyn take some more. You can click on the image to see larger. Please leave me a comment and let me know what you think. :0)

This one is Chuck & Danielle, Breanna and C.J. taken at Carolyn's wedding in October.

This of Carolyn and George and his family was taken at their wedding in October. This picture is with their traditional wedding clothes. They changed into Indian wedding clothes for the reception.

This is Breanna, George and Carolyn taken at my nephews wedding in December.

My girls and neices have a tradition of taking a "girl cousins" picture whenever they are all together. This was also at my nephews wedding in December. In front is Courtney Sherron, Kari Jodon, and Carolyn Sherron Cheriyan. In the back is Jeannie Miller Cassidy, Jody Miller Mayle, and Sarah Mayle. Aren't they beautiful?


This is Carolyn, George, Chuck and Danielle on Christmas morning with the truffles and sparkling grape juice I put in the guys stockings to share with their wives. :0)

This is Courtney and Jay'von on black friday before we left to shop.

I think that's enough for now. Hopefully I will be able to keep up and post pictures regularly now. Don't forget to comment and let me know what you think.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I got up yesterday morning just one day older then the day before, but my knee decided I should be MUCH older. Every time I bend my left knee I feel/hear and distinct grind or pop or click or whatever description you want to use. I could probably use them all at one time or another. I had a pretty easy day since I still had Javy and he wasn't feeling well, so I held him a lot. After I took him home last evening and started to straighten up I realized it was getting worse. But if you are like me you think "I'll sleep on it and it will feel better in the morning". (My husband is the opposite, he wants to get it fixed NOW.)

But low and behold, this morning it is even worse. I had a big day of cleaning planned and when I started it seems like I have my own percussion section right there in my knee. I went on line and googled "grinding knee" and found a wealth of information. I have been 50 for approximately 5 1/2 months and my knee just realized it. Someone must have said my age to loud. My symptoms fit osteoarthritis and it said it usually occurs in women over 50. What do you know about that. Pretty smart knee, huh. I'm trying to be quiet about it though, because my other knee still hasn't figured it out. I thought maybe if I'm careful I could get a few more years out of it.

Oh, well. I guess it happens to the best of us. Not that I think I'm the best, but you know what I mean. Like my Dad always says, "There's nothing wrong with growing old, it's just might inconvenient some times."

Busy Life

I just really can't believe it has been a couple of weeks since I posted. I have been so busy trying to get caught up with house work, going out of town for a funeral, having Javy since he was sick and couldn't go to daycare, etc. Am I excused.

The trip for the funeral was sad, it was the mother of a good friend of mine (she leaves 10 children and a husband). I haven't seen my friend for years. It was so good to see her and get caught up a little bit. You know how it is, you think "I'm not going to let it go so long. I'm going to try to keep in touch now." I just hope I really do. There are so many good memories there. I just have to make it happen!

The trip was nice since I got to spend the day with my very best friend. Charlie took the day off to go with me and we really had a good time. The weather was great. We needed sunglasses all day! It was just wonderful to go back and drive through the old neighborhood and remember all the years we lived there. The house we lived in in Canton was the first house Charlie built for us and it is kind of sad to have someone else living in it, but I wouldn't go back there to live for anything. I really love living in the country.

I really have spent enough time on the computer this morning. I will try to not go so long without posting. I will have to get some pictures together and post for my daughter-in-law's birthday on Friday.

Enjoy Spring!! I think it's finally here!