Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I got up yesterday morning just one day older then the day before, but my knee decided I should be MUCH older. Every time I bend my left knee I feel/hear and distinct grind or pop or click or whatever description you want to use. I could probably use them all at one time or another. I had a pretty easy day since I still had Javy and he wasn't feeling well, so I held him a lot. After I took him home last evening and started to straighten up I realized it was getting worse. But if you are like me you think "I'll sleep on it and it will feel better in the morning". (My husband is the opposite, he wants to get it fixed NOW.)

But low and behold, this morning it is even worse. I had a big day of cleaning planned and when I started it seems like I have my own percussion section right there in my knee. I went on line and googled "grinding knee" and found a wealth of information. I have been 50 for approximately 5 1/2 months and my knee just realized it. Someone must have said my age to loud. My symptoms fit osteoarthritis and it said it usually occurs in women over 50. What do you know about that. Pretty smart knee, huh. I'm trying to be quiet about it though, because my other knee still hasn't figured it out. I thought maybe if I'm careful I could get a few more years out of it.

Oh, well. I guess it happens to the best of us. Not that I think I'm the best, but you know what I mean. Like my Dad always says, "There's nothing wrong with growing old, it's just might inconvenient some times."

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