Monday, May 16, 2011

She's Finished! (for now)

I just want to take the time to congratulate Courtney on reaching another milestone in her career climb. She graduated this weekend with her RN and we are very proud of her accomplishment. She plans to  continue school this fall for her BSN and maybe her Masters after that.  She has ambition and goals and I admire her for striving and achieving those goals.  She works hard and I know she can do whatever she sets her mind to.  Congratulations, Courtney!  We love you.

Courtney Janelle Sherron, RN

Jay'v congratulating Mama.
 Quote of the day: Sonya (Courtney's friend) taught Jay'von to say Congratulations to Courtney after her pinning ceremony on Thursday night.  On Friday morning Jay'v and I were driving to Morgantown to attend Sonya's ROTC officier's commissioning ceremony.  Jay'v didn't want to get up early to do this.  He kept saying he wanted to go back home.  I told him we wanted to go to Sonya graduation.  He said "I don't want to go to Sonya's gradulation and already went to Mommy's gradulation last night!"

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Random thoughts.....

There are lots of random thoughts running through my head right now.  Some of the things I could write about; It's  one of the coldest springs I remember, Easter, Breanna and Carolyn's birthday's, Mother's day, Courts upcoming graduation.... I could go on and on and on and on. I think you get the picture. 

I think I will suffice it to say I will just post a couple pictures from the last couple of weeks and do a longer post next week when I have more time.

Enjoy!  These are from Easter weekend which was also Carolyn's birthday.  She is 29 and has never had her birthday on Easter.  Someone did some research and found it has been over a hundred years since Easter was on April 24 and will be that many more before it happens again.  So she enjoyed a once in a lifetime occurrence. 

Carolyn, George and Zara on Carolyn's Birthday

Baby Zara having some quality time with Papa

Courtney and Jay'von

Breanna and C.J.

Breanna with her birthday cheesecake....
Well that about covers the last few weeks.  I'm not sure why we don't have any pictures of Chuck and Danielle.  They must have been hiding from the camera. 

Have a great week! It's going to be a busy one.  Mother's Day is tomorrow and Courtney graduates with her RN on Thursday night. I'll be back after it's all over.