Monday, November 29, 2010


I have decided to do something new for advent this year.  Since Jay'von is with us most of the week I wanted to some kind of Advent Calendar for him but don't like the whole Santa Claus thing you find everywhere.  Just today I read another blog about starting a Jesse Tree with her kids.  It needs to start today (some start on the 28 and some on the first but since I didn't get inspired until today I decided today it is). There are many ways to do it and you could google it if you want info.  Basically it tells the story from creation to Jesus birth in little 2-4 minute devotions each day.  They get to hang a picture (ornament) on the tree each day as you go through the story.  The blog that I read actually started her kids when they were 3 so we are about right.  I think Breanna and C.J. will enjoy it, too.  I actually printed all the stuff for them to make their own.

 Let's face it, it is all about traditions and this seemed like a good one to start. I'll post pictures after I get it started.

If you want to know where I got my info or the places I printed my stuff let me know.  I'd be glad to share. 

May you all know the wonder and excitement of Christmas as seen through the eyes of a little child.  You might want to do this even if there isn't a child in your home. 

Thursday, November 25, 2010

God's Been Good

I saw this on someones blog the other day and it just seemed like how I feel these days. God has been good to us. Sometimes I feel like he has been better to me then most. He just keeps blessing and blessing us. Last year someone put out a Facebook challenge to post what you are thankful for every day in the month of November. It was quite interesting to do. I'm not on Facebook this year but have tried to do that each day this month. We do have so much to be thankful for. Our family has pretty good health. Yes, we have our usual aches and pains and Carolyn has had some problems with her gallbladder while pregnant but for the most part we are healthy. When I look at some of the blogs I read daily I realize we are so blessed with good health. God has given me a wonderful family. I have a husband that provides for us so that I am able to stay home and take care of Jay'von. I have three children that now have homes of their own and are doing well. I have three and a half grandchildren that are so precocious (and of course I am not prejudiced at all). I think that was supposed to be I have a beautiful home that is warm in the winter and cool in the summer. We have more clothes then we need and all the food we want. Our water is good, we don't have to worry that it will make us sick. We have three vehicles sitting in our driveway that we can depend on to take us where we need.

This is just what I can write as fast as I can right off the top of my head without really thinking about it. We are so blessed and God has been so good to us. I know everybody talks about blessings at this time of year and I don't want to be thankful just because it is Thanksgiving. I want to remember to be thankful every day....all year. Thanksgiving should be a way of life.

Have a great Thanksgiving. Enjoy the day with family and friends and remember "God's Been Good"!

Thursday, November 11, 2010


I love fall. The days are crisp and cool. The nights are long and cuddly. The colors are beautiful and the sunshine is nice and warm (not so hot you don't want to be out in it).  I know many people disagree with me but it is so much more comfortable then summer. 

I couple of weeks ago the kids came to spend the day and bake cupcakes and carve pumpkins.  Somehow I failed to get pictures of the cupcakes but got a lot of the pumpkins.  I'm only posting a few so you can get an idea of how much fun they had.  It was a beautiful sunny day and they worked outside so the pics were great.

They found cleaning them out to be "yucky". :0)

I think they all had to have help with the "yucky" stuff.

It takes concentration....

They used patterns that Courtney brought.

No pattern for C.J.....he just "imaginated" it!

Yay! All done.

The finished product

Jay'v, so proud of the pumpkin his Mommy did for him
 Now you see what fun they had carving Pumpkins. They really did come out well.  The patterns they used were very detailed.  They were beautiful when lit. 

Thanks for visiting with us again.  Talk to me...let me know that you think my grandkids are the best because I

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Festive Fruited White Chip Bars!

Yes, cookies. They are baked and packaged to be delivered to The Post in Morgantown this afternoon.  I did my best but I'm sure you know how it never seems good enough.  This is a picture of the finished product (well, what is left after I had already packaged 2 dozen to go).  I have to say I do feel better about these then I have other years.  Last years cookie was great but I was sick the day I had to do them and they just were not the best I could do.  I should have made another batch but felt so bad I really didn't care.  :)

It is a lot of fun and I look forward to it each year.  Now all I have to do is wait. 

Hope to post some more pics soon of the kids carving pumpkins.  It takes to long to do right now.

Have a great day.