No matter which side we are on we have all been part of history in the making this week. I am so glad it is over with. Now we just have to pray for our President and our nation. I might not agree with all the President Obama stands for but I must respect him and his office. And Gods commands that we pray for our leaders.
Even though I don't agree with him, I do think it was time for a president of another race. Our country is full of all nationalities and really, who is a real American anyway. We all have roots somewhere else. All of us are created equal in Gods sight.
On another note. Don't you love this sunshine. I am just ready for spring. My bother always says, "If you get through January, February is short, and then just March right into spring." Yea!! I'm ready. This has been a long winter already. I'm ready to get this baby outside and let him play in the fresh air. OK, I admit it, I'm ready to be able to get up and down my driveway and go wherever I want. Right now, with having the baby I am pretty much home bound because of the ice, but it won't be long and we can go again.
I am having a rare day alone. Court did not have school today, so she and Javy went to Morgantown with Carolyn once the roads cleared. (WVU very rarely has snow days) I have been doing some much needed cleaning and want to get done before the family all are home again.
Stay warm and enjoy the SUNSHINE!
2 weeks ago
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