It was always tough, having 2 birthdays within 2 weeks of Christmas. I was so careful to make sure their birthdays were not overshadowed by all the Christmas activity. I actually bought their birthday gifts before their Christmas gifts so I didn't get to birthdays and realize there was nothing left. (either money or ideas)
Chuck always felt slighted on the birthday party scene, though. What usually happens right after Christmas? That's right, flu season. I can't remember how many years we had the whole McDonalds Birthday thing scheduled, then everyone would get sick and we had to cancel. One year there was a health department quarantine. They were suggesting that no one go to public places. So no party again. Then there was always the weather to contend with. We definitely got more snow in Ohio then we get here.
One year we had Chuck a 1/2 year birthday party in June. That was fun. We actually did it outside. Something we could never do in January.
I just remembered the first winter we were in West Virginia. A blizzard hit on January 7 and we got 27 inches of snow. I don't think we have had so much since. Of course I'm not complaining about that.
Courtney was 22 on December 30. That was the year we had one on Uncle Sam. Haven't since and probably never will, but it was fun while it was happening.
It seemed like the party issue was not so bad for her. That extra week must make a difference. She missed the party at school, though, because her birthday was during Christmas break. I always tried to send something when she went back, but it just didn't seem the same.
Happy Birthday, Kids. I thank God daily for my great family. (We do have a third child, but her birthday isn't until April.)
This picture is of Courtney and my neice Sarah. They share the same birthday and try to celebrate together whenever they can. Courtney is on the right in the polka dots. I'll have to post one of Chuck when I get them from the camera. It's late now and I think I'll call it a day.
This picture is of Chuck and his children. Breanna is on the left and C.J. on the right.
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