Sorry this is late. There are lots of excuses, but since this is my blog and probably not read much, I can post whenever. Thanks for being patient if you are reading this. LOL

This is my Dad doing what Pap's do best!

These handsome guys sure don't look like the rough and tough carpenters I write about below!!
Special days, don't you just love them. I know there are people that complain about all the days to observe everything from a food to a people group. (such as fathers) I like them because it give us a reminder, excuse, or whatever you want to call it, to recognize those special people in our lives. We as a nation are to caught up in life to take the time to tell those we love how much we appreciate them. These days give us that reason. Soooooo-------Dad, Charlie, and Chuck, we love you and appreciate all you do for us as a family.
Each of these people are unique in their own way. I'm going to kind of run down some of the unique things about each one.
I just recently posted for Dad and Charlies birthday so some of this might be the same. But that's OK because some of you might not have read those.
My Dad is amazing. He is much older then you would think to look at him. (Especially if he has a hat on. (And if the sun is shining and you don't have your sunglasses on you want him to have a hat on.) It seem like he works more now then before he retired. He does everything from build houses, to remodeling, to driveways. When he is not working his favorite place to be is on the River bank (usually somewhere around the New River) with his friend Carlos Taylor. They grew up together (I think the are somehow related) and have had a friendly competition for years about who will catch the most fish. My Dad usually goes down there a few times a year to spend some time and just relax and fish. As a matter of fact, I did not get to spend Father's Day with my dad this year because he is down south. He told me yesterday that Carlos is one up on him so he has to get busy. He also likes to hunt, but I think fishing is his real love and it has to be more relaxing then chasing a deer through the woods. :0)
Dad, I love you and appreciate all you have done and the example you have been for your family through the years.
Charlie (my husband, my children's Dad) is like the proverbial energizer bunny. While he was off work recently for a few days I posted on facebook that I could not keep up with him and if that is what retirement will be like he had better keep working. Well-----even when he retires he will keep busy, I 'm sure. I hear women say that their husbands retire and sit around the house all day and they can't get anything done. For one thing, I wouldn't mind since he is gone so much now working and I have always enjoyed him being home. For another thing, he won't sit around the house and do nothing. He never stops. He just goes and goes and goes and goes......I think you know what I mean. Most people stop working outside when it gets dark. Not Charlie, he doesn't stop, he just gets out the lights. You know those little headlight things that hunters wear, well, they were invented just for Charlie. I think he has two or three of them. They are wonderful. And he has a light mounted on a pole that he can pull out of the basement when he needs more light. I tell you I think it will light up half the hill. Thankfully we don't have neighbors close enough to bother.
He works hard at his job also. He is very rarely off work. There have been many times when he would finish up a job and make a call as he was leaving and find a job for the next day, even before he called to tell me he as off. I really appreciate how he works so hard to provide for his family. He is one of those people that love their job. He is constantly trying to mentor other carpenters who are just getting started or those trying to decide if that is what they want to do. I just wouldn't be able to say how many carpenters there are out there because Charlie worked with them and directed them to the right resources.
Charlie loves his job and he is good at it and he has passed that along to Chuck. Chuck is a carpenter also, although he learned something else from his dad. Charlie says he is a recovered workaholic who did not spend as much time with his family as he should have when they were young. I think Chuck learned from that and he does spend time with his family. He loves to build, but he really loves to do things with his family. Chuck has a lot of knowledge because he is such an avid reader. It has always been to his detriment because he would rather read the whole book then just do the part he was supposed to at that time, so he was always behind. He still loves to research things and study about anything that takes his fancy, from carpentry to reloading, to checking out something one of us wants to buy and let us know which one is the best but he has learned how to channel that in the right direction most of time.
His love of books probably came from both grandfathers. My dad loves to read and Charlie's dad had an awesome library. We are still stying to sort those books out and decide what to keep and what to give away. Chuck is having a hard time not keeping them all, but none of us has room for that. It is hard to sort them out because he starts reading one and all of a sudden the sorting is on hold. I think that is a trait he got from his mother. He is passing that love of books on to his children, also.
All three of these fathers are trying to lead their family in the right way and take them to heaven with them. Of course they have all made mistakes (we all have because none of us are perfect) but they want to do what is pleasing to God and that is the ultimate goal in life.
Thanks guys, for being such great Dad's! We love you very much. You make life great for your family and we appreciate you for it. Happy Father's Day!!