I have mentioned McMama before and how I admire her blog. I also mentioned her son who was diagnosed with major heart problems before birth and she was told he would not live. He was born with no heart problems AT ALL. They checked him completely and he was fine. Sunday night Stellan was having some breathing difficulties after a weekend of having a cold and they took him to the ER. He is suffering from SVT. His heart rate is between 250 and 300 and has been since Sunday night. He is in very serious condition. His heart is now enlarged and he is suffering with the same problems he had while in the womb. This is very hard on the whole family. He is only 4 months old. I am posting a link to go to her blog if you are interested. If not just pray for Stellan when you think of it. I can not imagine watching a baby go through all that he is right now.
Just click on the picture to go to her blog.

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