Have you ever done something dumb and knew the chaos it caused was your fault. This is where I am today.
If you follow me of facebook you know that I had a major computer crash this week. It was my fault totally. I wish I could say otherwise. I am a very cautious person when it comes to where I go and what I open on the Internet. I would rather err on the side of caution. I do that with a lot of things. But because I trusted the person that this item was "supposed" to be from and it seemed that she thought I had sent her something inappropriate I decided to open it. Immediately I realized I was in trouble, but thought I was covered with a "good" antivirus software so ultimately should be OK.
Well, I soon found out that I was totally wrong. My first mistake was not just leaving her a message saying I did not send her a video instead of trying to see what she thought I sent. It was a wolf in sheeps clothing. She had not sent the message at all, someone had hacked her account and used her name for bad instead of good. My second mistake was trusting my anti virus software to protect me when I made a bad judgement. (It was not sufficient for the problem) It is just like with our salvation, we need to make sure we are protected, but also need to make right decision to not sin and put ourselves in a wrong position to cause our life to crash like my computer.
Back to my computer. After being in the shop for 2 days and costing $190.00 it is now like new. But (also just like life) I now have to back up and try to put all the stuff on the computer that was there originally. I tried to save pictures and some things that I thought I could not replace. It was kind of like running out of a burning building. What do you try to save in a really short time. They said they could keep it all for a price, but I was trying to be as frugal as possible since it was costing me so much. I realize now that I should have had them keep it all because I have already ran into things that I needed. But looking back does us no good. Just go forward and hope for the best. Again, just like in life. We make mistakes, but have to suffer the consequences and keep going forward. God can fix the problems, we just have to pay the price and go on with our life.
What have I learned through this? As far as my computer of course I have learned the obvious, "Don't open things that you aren't sure about and make sure your protection is up to date." As far as my salvation, "Use good judgement and make sure what is in my heart is up to date and sufficient to carry me through all that life throws me."
Sorry I don't have a any pictures with this post. I would be crying and that is not good. Charlie realized real fast that this is not an incident to tease about. I am still beating myself up about it. Now I just need to put it behind me and get on with more important things. This has been a real "Listen Lesson" (as Sis. Vogt used to say) and hopefully I will heed what I have learned.
Sorry this post has gotten so long. They say most people do not like to read long posts, but that is OK, I just needed to get it all out. I will post something more positive and uplifting soon. Maybe some pictures of Graduation Sunday at church tomorrow. Courtney will be involved since she graduates from nursing school in 2 weeks. YEA!
Have a great weekend and stay safe.
2 weeks ago
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