My 3 year old grandson wasn't feeling well last evening and asked me to cuddle with him. I sat down for a few minutes of cuddle time but needed to finish supper so couldn't stay as long as he wanted. When I started to get up he wanted me to stay. I told him I needed to finish Papa's supper, to which he promptly responded, "I can do it." When I asked him what he meant he said it again. Laughing I asked how he was going to do that and he said, "I don't know, but I can figure it out." Then he proceeded to put a finger to his chin and hum as if he was trying to figure it out.
About that time Charlie came in and Jay'von went running to tell him that he needed to go back to the car. Of course Charlie was very confused as he isn't used to being met at the door with a command to go back and get in his car. He wanted to know if we needed to go somewhere but Jay'v told him no, "WE*STILL*NEED*TO*COOK*YOUR*FOOD"! Of course said very slowly and adamantly, with much hand waving (doesn't get that from his Neena or anything). It was so cute.
As I was sitting thinking about this last night I realized that's what we do with God sometimes. We try to take on things he already has under control, even though we don't have any idea what we are doing. We try "to figure it out". I am so guilty of this. I need to learn that even as I had everything in the kitchen taken care of and really didn't need Jay'von's help, God has my life already planned and taken care of and doesn't need my help to make it right. If I just sit back and let him do it, it will come out right. I remember someone (I think it was Sheila Wolfe) saying to imagine we are on a tandem bike....God is in in front and doing the steering. We are in the back and just need to follow along. We have to keep pedaling and not drag our feet, and of course lean the right way in a curve, but we don't need to worry about steering the right direction. He has all that under control. Sometimes I tend to want to change places with him and get in the drivers seat. I just need to remind myself that I am the rider in this life. God is my Father and He will take me through.
This was a real important lesson for me right now. January and February are not my best months. I need lots of sunshine (and we aren't getting much). And I tend to get depressed and SAD. And when that happens I do tend to forget that God is in control of every situation. Thank God for his guidance even if he uses a very funny 3 year old.
2 weeks ago
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