There are so many thoughts going through my head right now I just don't know where to start. I wish I were good at writing them down and getting my idea across. I am reading a book (her second, the third is on the way) by Dorcas Smucker. She is a fellow blogger from Harrisburg, OR. Her husband was a friend of Charlie's in high school. They lived in Salem, OH at the time. I heard about her books when I received a Christmas letter from her Mother-in-law. I immediately ordered them from Her writings are so true to life. Actually some of the things she writes about could have happened in our house. Of course we don't live on a farm, so some of them couldn't have either. Thankfully! I have never been asked to bring a baby lamb into my kitchen. But I have friends that do. Baby calves, too. Her blog is Check it out. You won't regret it. She is really interesting.
I said all that to say this. Why can't I take an everyday happening and make it a story like she does. I guess that isn't my gift. I know we all have gifts or things we are good at but sometimes in the humdrum of life we tend to forget. I love to sew and create things. I love to decorate cakes. I could sit at the computer for hours and create an invitation or flyer to some function or other. And just give me a kitchen and some supplies and I will be in my glory cooking a meal (along with the bread and dessert, of course). I guess you could call me a jack of all trades. So I guess I should not complain about not being prolific with words, but sometimes it would be nice to be able to express myself better.
It has sure been a long week. Everyone is finally getting better. Javy was the last to get sick and is the last to recover. He is still feeling pretty rotten, so my days are spent making him comfortable. We are looking forward to getting out and doing something this weekend. Just not sure what.
This time of year is what I call the winter slump. I always get tired of winter, staying inside, cooking the same food, cleaning up the same snow & mud messes, trying to stay warm, etc, etc, etc. Maybe we should all have a cookout in the snow. I think that is why there is no slump in the summer. There is always something else going on. Cookouts, picnics, just plain old get togethers, always doing something else. Why is it that a hamburger just does not taste the same when you cook it inside. We hardly ever have hamburgers in the winter. It just isn't as good and not worth it. I would much rather have picnic fare than chili or soup. I guess that is why I get bored with winter cooking.
WOW! I really have rambled. Sorry! I want to get some more pictures on here soon. I just have to do some editing. My computer was down for a couple of days, so I am behind.
I must be careful saying random thought, I get crazy. Take care and keep warm.
2 weeks ago
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