I have been thinking a lot about change. I'm sure we all have things in our life we want to change. Whether it be eating right, breaking a habit that we are bound to or just being more consistent in our devotions or exercise we all have things we want to do differently. I am beginning to realize the only way to change things is by taking one thing at a time.
I am a person who wants to jump in totally at once and then quickly gets discouraged. That is not a good thing when it comes to making changes in real life. We need to start slow and make the changes one at a time. I have heard if you do something for 6 weeks it becomes a habit. So choose something you really want to change in your life and do it.....one day at a time.....for 6 weeks and see what happens. I'm ready!! See, there I go again, ready to jump right in and fall flat on my face. But that's OK. At least I have determination and for some of my issues it will take real determination.
I need to lose about 100 pounds. There, I have said it. Yes, that is a BIG goal. But, you know, if I take one day at a time and change the way I look at it, it will happen. This will mean changing my eating (and cooking) habits and adding exercise to my already busy life.
I say my "cooking" habits because I recently decided that I show my love by cooking and baking things I know people will enjoy. I just love to get in the kitchen and create things I know people like to eat. Now tell me how to overcome that. It is really hard to make homemade cinnamon rolls from Helen Deitz recipe and not want to eat them. Any of you that knew Helen know that her rolls were wonderful. I'm not saying that mine are near as good as hers but they are good and I love to make them for people. I made a big batch for Valentine's Day and gave them away (but ate a few in the meantime).
I try to be disciplined and not eat what I make and sometimes I succeed but more likely not. So, tell me, do I quit baking and feel depressed or continue and try to be superdieter and leave it alone. I realize I should have willpower and I'm sure as I lose the weight it will feel so good I might be able to pass things up but I'm scared that won't happen.
So I have decided, with God's help, I am taking one day at a time and do whatever I have to do to get through that day. If I need to bake for some occasion I will make sure nothing is left in my kitchen for temping me the next day. If I slip up I will be ready to pick right back up where I left off.
I am declaring today as my new start to an old problem. I will keep you updated on my progress. Let me know if you want to join me in this journey. You know the saying the more the merrier.
2 weeks ago