This was a five year Masters Program. She worked hard and we are proud of her. During this last five years she has had quite a few changes in her life. I think she has moved three times. She got married about half way through to George Cheriyan. I have blogged before about George and the fact that he is Indian and was raised in the country of Bahrain. So not only did she get married but had to deal with all the mountains of paperwork that takes months (turning into years) to get his permanent residency. We can thank God that just a few weeks ago he got that letter that said "Welcome to the United States of America".
Carolyn has also worked for a cleaning service for the past few years. (Hence the dream about the missing yellow mop she posted about on FB) So if you put all that together she worked full time, went to school full time, took care of a home and husband (although he helped her a whole lot) and was still able to graduate Cum Laude.
Another thing Carolyn had to deal with these last few years was an as yet undiagnosed problem she has had since the summer before her second year. She studied in Costa Rica the first semester of her sophomore year and as she was getting ready to leave she had a problem with her ankle and leg swelling. She was diagnosed with cellulitis and it seemed to clear up some with treatment. While in Costa Rica it returned and was treated again there. She has had trouble with this ever since. She has been to all kinds of doctors and had all kinds of tests and nothing conclusive shows up. It seems to be stress related (and switches from leg to leg), but all the Doctors say that could not be an issue. But I, being her Mom, know for a fact that any time there is a stressful time in her life her leg swells. It got so bad last winter when they were dealing with the issues with immigration that George literally drove her to Morgantown and took her from class to class so she didn't have to walk around campus...(kudos, George).
So if you wonder why we are so proud of Carolyn for what she has accomplished the last five years, well, maybe this explains it. Congratulations, Carolyn! We love you and pray for God to provide a place for you to use your talent.