I just want to look back on 2009 a little and reminisce. We had a lot of things going on and yet it was a rather ordinary year.
Last spring got us through all those "firsts" after the death of a loved one. Marking that first anniversary is so hard yet so freeing. You realize that you will never have to go through that first year again with uncertainty of not knowing how you will feel or react. There are still emotions and sometimes things hit you like you don't expect but it is totally different then the first time. We do miss Charlie's Dad tremendously and life will never be the same without his wisdom and sense of humor but we have many memories to help us through the days until we meet him again in heaven.
Another highlight of spring was our trip to NYC in April. I went very unwillingly but looking back now I really did enjoy it and am glad I went. It was great (all but the subway) and nothing like I expected (all but the subway), and I really think I would probably do it again (all but the subway). Do you get the message that I DID NOT like the subway. I really thought the thing was either going to fly apart as we were moving or hit something and we were going to die a tragic, painful death. I am not exaggerating at all. It was awful! But the city is beautiful with so much history. I just loved Greenwich Village with all the little shops. You can read all about it in my April 20, 2009 post.
Charlie and I in Times Square.
My beautiful daughters in Times Square.
Carolyn and George
Carolyn and George by a stoop in Greenwich village.
We have all had a great year. Charlie and Chuck and Courtney all made changes in their employment (Charlie's little, Chuck's big and Court's obvious).
Charlie has taken a job with a little more responsibility with a company out of PA. They really seem like a good company to work for and at this point at least have been keeping him busy. They are branching out into WV, but the last job he has been on he had to drive to Pittsburgh. He should finish up there in a day or so and hopefully will be closer to home again.
Chuck decided that although he liked carpentry work it really was not what he wanted to do for the rest of his life. He has gotten a job with a medical supply company delivering supplies to hospice patients. There are a lot of perks to the job with the biggest being the feeling of fulfillment that you are doing something to help someone in their last days. He does not say he will never go back to carpenter work but for now feels this is what he should do.
Courtney graduated in June from LPN school. She had to have a hernia repair in July so did not go to work until August. She got a job with a company in Clarksburg that does home health. She works midnight shift taking care of a little boy with CP. She has also gone back to school to work on her RN. Right now she has been working on some prerequisites and hopes to actually start RN school in June. She works at night and goes to school during the day, so we have had to be creative with Jay'von's care. I have him from Sunday evening until Friday evening when she gets him for a couple days at "Mama house" (as he calls it).
Court with her flowers after graduation in May 2009.
Court and Jay'von celebrating her birthday.
As you might understand my days are full but fun. We have had to do some adjusting to what is important to accomplish in a day but have developed a routine that works for both Jay'v and myself. I have said this will either make me old or keep me young and have decided it changes from day to day. Some days I feel young and others very old. I am so glad that I have the opportunity to be able to do this. He is such a joy to take care of and most days keeps me laughing.
Chuck and Danielle, Breanna, C.J. and Charlie when we went to French Creek Game Farm for Charlie's birthday.
Chuck and Danielle made some other changes in their household this fall when they decided to send Breanna and C.J. to school. She has homeschooled them up to this point. They have both adapted well and seem to be making new friends and loving it.
Carolyn and George continue to live in Grandpa's house next door to us. She has just completed a semester of student teaching full time. She has one more semester of school then will graduate in May with her Masters in Spanish Education. It has been a long 5 years but will be worth it when she is done. George's citizenship battle is almost done. He should have his papers by the middle of March, so if you know of a job opening in Computer Engineering give him a call. Right now he has been playing househusband and supporting Carolyn in her endeavors.
Breanna, C.J. and Jay'von continue to be the joy of my life (that is the job description of a grandchild, isn't it). They have each passed major milestones this year. Breanna and C.J. going to school for the fist time, Jay'von getting potty trained then un-potty trained and now starting over, and all three of them just getting more "cute" by the day. I am prejudiced I know, but they are the best grandchildren ever.
God has blessed us with a great year of health and prosperity in 2009 and I am looking for more in 2010.
I have a few things I have decided to do in 2010 (not resolutions, just decisions) and one of them is to try to keep up my blog better. It is so much more personal then facebook. So look for more from the Sherrons.
Happy New Year, friends. Please click on comments and let me know you are out there. I am going to write whether you comment or not but it is so much nicer to know you are being read. Thanks!