You all know I have posted before about Stellan and MckMama and how much I admire her blog. Well, she is now what is known as a "professional blogger" otherwise known as "compensated blogger". I know she has gotten much criticism for it. Not from me, I wish I was a "compensated blogger". I think if you can do it and stay home with the little ones, then do it. God gave her this talent and she is using it. It's a good thing she wasn't working outside the home with all that "went" on with Stellan (past tense, he is SVT free now, Thank God) what would she have done, probably lost her job.
Anyway, on to the reason for this post (hey, it got me back on here, more to come, I promise). She is having a HUGE giveaway from now until Christmas Eve for an HP Touchsmart computer. I know my chances are slim (last night after only a few hours she had over 10,000 comments. You get entered for commenting, facebooking, blogging or tweeting. So you can get 4 chances total. (well, I get 3 since I don't tweet) So here goes nothing. If you are reading this and you need a new Cadillac computer go on over to and read all about it. And if you don't need a new computer go ahead and try anyway and you can give it to me. HaHa!! or should I say HoHo!!Best of Luck (if we believed in luck) and may the best man (or woman) win!!
2 weeks ago